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Bromelain, also known as bromelase and bromelase, is a natural plant protease from the skin and core of pineapple fruit refined by biotechnology. It catalyzes the cleavage of peptide bonds in protein molecules. It belongs to the hydrophobic endonucliase, which can decompose protein, peptide lipid and amide under certain temperature and PH value conditions. It can be widely used in food processing, daily chemical, medicine, feed and other industries.

Definition of enzyme activity: under the condition of PH 7.0 and temperature 37±0.2℃, the amount of enzyme required to hydrolyze casein to produce 1 microgram tyrosine per minute is 1 unit of enzyme activity, expressed by U.
Product specification: 10-1.2 million u/g
Characteristic appearance: light yellow powder
Odor: Slight pineapple odor
Optimal PH value: 5.0-8.0
Optimum temperature: 50-55℃
Dosage: 0.1-0.3%, depending on the specific material
Implementation standard: GB1886.174
Fineness: 40 mesh, 60 mesh, 80 mesh (customizable)


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