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L-Carnosine is a dipeptide (two amino acids) commonly found in the brain, heart, skin, muscles, kidneys, and stomach. L-carnosine activates cells in the human body and inhibits aging through two mechanisms: inhibiting glycosylation and protecting our cells from Chemicalbook free radical damage. Glycosylation results in uncontrolled cross-linking of sugar molecules and proteins (sugar molecules stick to proteins), loss of cell function and incomplete gene combination, which accelerates aging. L-Carnosine also stabilizes cell membranes and reduces lipid peroxidation in the brain, thereby preventing nerve and brain degeneration.



CAS Number:305-84-0


Chemical properties: white powder.
Appearance: White powder purity (HPLC) ≥98.0%
Single impurity ≤1.0%
Peptide content ≥80.0%
Endotoxin ≤20EU/mg
Uses Levocarnosine is used for cell anti-oxidation, maintaining pH balance and prolonging cell life.
It has potential antioxidant and anti-glycosylation activity; Block acetaldehyde induced non-enzymatic glycosylation and protein coupling. It is also a substrate for carnosinase detection, which can maintain pH balance in the body and extend cell life. Levocarnosine is a dipeptide with strong antioxidant and anti-glycation activity; Block non-enzymatic glycosylation and protein crosslinking induced by reactive aldehydes.

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