1: About Diabetes

diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is caused by defective insulin secretion or impaired biological effects, or both. Long-term hyperglycemia can lead to chronic damage and dysfunction of various tissues, especially eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and nerves.

diagnosis of diabetes, fasting blood glucose is greater than or equal to 7.0 mmol/L, and/or blood glucose is greater than or equal to 11.1 mmol/L two hours after meal. Type after diagnosis of diabetes:

1, type 1 diabetes
The age of onset is young, most of them are <30 years old, the onset of the disease is sudden, the symptoms of polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia and weight loss are obvious, the blood sugar level is high, many patients take ketoacidosis as the first symptom, the serum insulin and C peptide levels are low, ICA, IAA or GAD antibodies can be positive. Oral medicine alone is ineffective and requires insulin treatment.

2, type 2 diabetes
It is common in middle-aged and elderly people, with a high incidence of obesity, often accompanied by hypertension, dyslipidemia, arteriosclerosis and other diseases. Early without any symptoms, or only mild fatigue, thirst, blood sugar increase is not obvious, need to do glucose tolerance test to confirm the diagnosis. Serum insulin levels are normal or increased in the early stage and low in the late stage.

type 2 diabetes was originally called adult-onset diabetes, mostly after 35-40 years old, accounting for more than 90% of diabetic patients.

2: How D-Chiral Inositol (D-CHIRO-INOSITOL) Regulates Blood Glucose

D-chiral inositol (D-CHIRO-INOSITOL) is an inositol stereoisomer. It is an important part of the second messenger of insulin, inositol phosphate glucan (IP-gly). As a newly discovered insulin receptor sensitizer, it can effectively promote insulin function, reduce blood sugar and blood triglyceride levels, etc. It plays an extremely important role in the signal transduction process of the only hypoglycemic hormone-insulin. It can effectively regulate blood sugar and improve the symptoms of diabetic patients (especially type 2 diabetic patients), because the ability to produce insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes is not completely lost, and some patients even produce too much insulin in their bodies, but the effect of insulin is poor. Therefore, the insulin in the patient's body is a relative lack. Therefore, if the insulin receptor and signal transduction system are not completely repaired, and simply stimulate the secretion of insulin or exogenous supplement of insulin, it can only aggravate insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia.

According to the research of the international medical community in the past 20 years, insulin resistance is not only the root cause of type 2 diabetes, but also runs through a variety of metabolic related diseases (metabolic syndrome) such as hypertension; hyperglycemia; hyperlipidemia; high obesity; high blood viscosity; high uric acid; high fatty liver; hyperinsulinemia; polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. The main line is the common pathophysiological basis of these diseases.

what is insulin resistance

Insulin resistance means that the body's sensitivity to insulin decreases, the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar decreases, and the body's tissues are impaired in the use of glucose.

insulin resistance occur

1. Genetic factors: genes.

2. Environmental factors: obesity or overweight, lack of exercise, smoking, unscientific diet.

Improve Insulin Resistance

supplement D-chiral inositol (D-CHIRO-INOSITOL), as an insulin receptor sensitizer, can repair the insulin receptor and signal transduction system, so that insulin can restore its ability to reduce blood sugar, thereby improving insulin resistance and regulating blood sugar.

To sum up, D-chiral inositol (D-CHIRO-INOSITOL) is not to reduce blood glucose concentration by increasing blood insulin level, but to reduce blood glucose by improving insulin sensitivity.

D-Chiral Inositol (D-CHIRO-INOSITOL) Regulates Blood Glucose


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