In April 2020, the first phase II clinical trial of NMN was completed, confirming that NMN can improve skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity. The results were published in the blockbuster journal "Science" [1].

, another NMN clinical trial [2] recently conducted by the Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases of the University of Tokyo, Japan, and this paper published in "Science" can support each other has also quietly ended. The research results are currently published on the Research Square website in preprint form, waiting for the end of peer review.

we take the lead and can't wait to share the exciting news with all our friends in advance.

"The Bible" says: "Strong is the glory of the young, and white hair is the honor of the old" [3]. Since ancient times, people have known that the elderly have no chance of being "strong?

is so lies in the influence of sarcopenia (sarcopenia). This disease is a common manifestation of physiological dysfunction in the elderly. After the old age, more than half of the people will suffer from severe sarcopenia [4].

With age, muscle mass is lost and muscle strength decreases [5], making the elderly more likely to be weak and weak, and more likely to fall due to "unstable legs", leading to bad outcomes.

more importantly, sarcopenia often indicates the deterioration of systemic aging. Elderly people with sarcopenia are more likely to suffer from other chronic diseases related to aging (muscle loss, fat increase, aggravation of metabolic disorders) and are more likely to die [6,7].

the visible signs of aging such as sarcopenia, there may be systemic aging under it; and the deeper reason for aging, in the opinion of scholars who study NAD, is caused by the decrease of NAD level with age [8].

study revolved around this simple logic. A group of healthy elderly men over 65 years old were recruited. The treatment group took NMN(250mg/d) every day for 6 or 12 weeks, and compared with the control group to verify the correctness of this logic:

NAD + Level Increase

After taking NMN for 12 weeks in the treatment group, the level of NAD + in blood increased significantly.

Increased insulin sensitivity and improved systemic metabolic aging

speaking of improving insulin sensitivity, it can be regarded as NMN's "old line". The first phase II clinical trial has been confirmed by skeletal muscle biopsy [1].

, this study uses the more classical clinical "gold standard"-oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to verify.

After taking NMN for 12 weeks, the postprandial blood sugar, insulin and C peptide release levels of some subjects decreased significantly. Through model calculation, the insulin resistance level of the subjects decreased and the function of islet β cells improved. This means increased insulin sensitivity and improved systemic metabolic aging after subjects took NMN.

Muscle mass increases, muscle strength increases

skeletal muscle is the main undertaker of systemic insulin sensitivity, academic circles generally believe that sarcopenia and insulin resistance are actually accompanied by [7].

the insulin sensitivity of the subjects improved after taking NMN, it will inevitably bring about the improvement of sarcopenia.

results As expected, the muscle mass of the subjects in the NMN treatment group increased.

to measure the degree of connection between sarcopenia and disability or death in the elderly, muscle strength is definitely a more important indicator than muscle mass [9]-after all, muscle is mainly used, not taken to see.

In this study, through the exercise ability test, it was found that the upper and lower limb muscle strength and pace of the subjects taking NMN were significantly improved, and the effect was only 6 weeks after taking NMN.

the focus of this study is on "NMN can improve sarcopenia by increasing insulin sensitivity". In addition, taking NMN to increase NAD + level can also enhance mitochondrial function [10], enhance glycolysis-related enzyme activities [11], down-regulate inflammation [12] and other ways to improve sarcopenia.

it seems that NMN has become a good medicine to solve many old-age problems in scientific research, but is it really safe for ordinary people to take NMN for a long time? This study once again gives some answers to this question:

The subjects took NMN for 12 weeks without any adverse reactions. The hematology, liver function and renal function indexes were normal, and even uric acid did not increase.

250mg daily NMN supplement is completely tolerable for healthy middle-aged and elderly people, and also brings benefits of improving metabolic function and muscle quality. NMN fought a beautiful "turnaround".

is also a phase I clinical confirmation in Japanese male population. NMN supplement of 500mg daily is still well tolerated by human body [13].

higher doses bring greater benefits? This needs further exploration by scientists.

In recent years, NMN ingredients have become popular nutrition and health products. Gene Port has played an extremely important role in the popularization of this ingredient. In 2015, as the first company to launch NMN products in China, Gene Port reduced the cost of NMN production 95% by using full enzyme method, making it "fly into the homes of ordinary people". The 100-ton NMN factory in Yuyao, which was put into production in August 2020, has laid a foundation for the further popularization of this anti-aging ingredient widely recognized by academia.

, in terms of market performance, this year's 618 e-commerce festival, as the absolute leader in NMN field, the Aimuyin brand launched by Gene Port continues to dominate the sales champion in Jingdong's nutrition and health care field, and this champion title Gene Port has been defending for a year and a half in a row.

In addition, in the research field, Gene Port also actively provides experimental materials for many top universities and supports the publication of many NMN research papers. In December last year, the human clinical results of NMN supported by Gene Port were announced in Japan, and many Japanese hospitals participated in it. The results showed that many elderly symptoms including sarcopenia described in the article were improved.

How many secrets are hidden behind NMN's "elixir"? Gene Port is always exploring.

exhilarate! University of Tokyo "longevity drug" NMN human clinical trial: lying flat to increase muscle, reverse the elderly sarcopenia!


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